Category Software News

Windows 7 to be Restricted from UA Network

Beginning Monday, Jan. 16, Windows 7 devices will no longer be permitted to connect to the UA campus network. As a reminder, Windows 7 reached end of life on Jan. 14, 2020. All Windows devices should be running Windows 10 or Windows 11.

Duo Required to Remote Access Windows Workstations

Effective September 19,  Duo two-factor authentication will be required for remote desktop connections to all OIT managed Windows workstations. Users logging in to a Windows computer in-person will not be affected by this change, only those who are accessing their workstation remotely will be required to use Duo to log in.

Adobe Sign Tool No Longer Available to UA Users

UA users no longer have access to Adobe Sign Individual via the Adobe Sign tool in Acrobat DC. Adobe removed Adobe Sign Individual from campus license agreements renewed after 2020. UA users should use DocuSign as an alternative e-signature solution. Request for DocuSign should be made to the IT Service Desk at

Creative Cloud License Now Includes Adobe Stock Content

Effective August 29, 2022, UA Adobe Creative Cloud accounts will include 85% of Adobe Stock content! UA students, faculty and staff can now use Adobe Stock content including images, videos, templates and more! Some users may receive emails or pop-ups within their Adobe product regarding upgrading or renewing their license; UA students, faculty and staff…

Fall 2022 myBama Enhancements

Saturday, Aug. 13, OIT made a few enhancements to the myBama portal. Login to see the following changes. UA students, faculty and staff can log into myBama at

K2 System Upgrade – Email Change

On Sunday, Aug. 21 OIT will be making a change to the K2 process automation system. K2 is used for many UA processes including electronic personnel action forms, MVR forms, the UA educational benefit form, and others. Currently, K2 emails are sent from After Sunday Aug. 21, K2 emails will be sent from If users…

OpsGenie Email

Some UA faculty and staff may have received a message on Monday, Aug. 1 from Opsgenie that your session has been terminated. On Aug. 1, OIT renamed our ticketing system URL from to This name change logged all users out of the system. No action is required of you. The email you received…

Zoom Ends Support for Versions Below 5.3.0

On Saturday, Aug. 6, Zoom will be ending support for versions below 5.3.0. OIT encourages all Zoom users to stay upgraded to the latest version of Zoom available. More information is available on Zoom’s website.

Box to End Support for Box Capture App

Box has made the decision to end support for the Box Capture app on September 15, 2022 with the intent to end of life (EOL) the product in August 2023. The official Box Mobile app now includes Capture Mode. Box encourages all Box Capture users to transition to the Box Mobile app. Learn more on…

ArcGIS Pro Version 3

Esri will soon be rolling out the latest version of Arc GIS Pro. This latest version, 3.0, will bring changes to the software. OIT recommends that users continue to use versions 2.x as anything newly created in 3.0 cannot be opened or used with ArcGIS Pro 2.x. Please visit the ArcGIS Education Blog for more information.