
The University of Alabama makes a number of software programs available at no cost for students, faculty, staff, and UA departments. The Office of Information Technology is the central location to acquire and learn more about this software.

Artificial Intelligence Approved and Prohibited Services List

As we embrace AI technologies, the Office of Information Technology is developing guidance and processes to ensure safe and ethical use. Follow this link to review UA’s approved AI list.

Acquiring New Software

If departments are considering acquiring software, they are required to consult the Compliance Contract Review Portal to gain insights into the necessary requirements for all contracts associated with the procurement of software or IT products.

Software Catalog

Check out our software catalog to explore different software packages offered by OIT. Please note that each software agreement contains its own terms and conditions. Many software packages are available for use on both personal and University-owned computers; however, only University computers should be used for University business. Generally, campus-wide software use is limited to University business, academic, or research-related purposes.

AbaqusLinux, WindowsScientificFaculty, Staff, Students
Accessibility Management PlatformWebAccessibility ToolsFaculty, Staff, Students
Adobe AcrobatAndroid, iOS, Mac, WindowsProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Staff
Adobe Creative CloudMac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Alertus Desktop NotificationMac, WindowsWorkstation ManagementDepartments, Faculty, Staff
AnsysLinux, WindowsScientificFaculty, Students
AntLinuxDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
Applications ManagerWindowsProductivity and BusinessStaff
ArcGIS ProWindowsGISFaculty, Staff, Students
AutoCADMac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff
AutoCAD ArchitectureWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Autodesk SuiteMac, WindowsCAD
Design and Development
Departments, Faculty, Staff, Students
Blackboard LearnAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebInstructional TechnologyDepartments, Faculty, Staff
BoxAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebContent SharingFaculty, Staff, Students
C++ CompilerLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Faculty, Staff, Students
ChemDraw ProfessionalMac, WindowsScientificFaculty, Staff, Students
Cisco AnyConnectAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebProductivity and Business
Faculty, Staff
Civil 3DWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
ComsolMac, WindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff
CygwinWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Deep FreezeLinux, Mac, WindowsWorkstation ManagementDepartments
DocuSignWebProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Staff
Duo Two-Factor AuthenticationAndroid, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, WebSecurityFaculty, Staff, Students
EclipseLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty, Students
EndNoteMac, Windows, WebCitation ManagersFaculty, Retirees, Staff, Students
FilezillaLinux, Mac, WindowsDatabase
Productivity and Business
Faculty, Staff, Students
FlipAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebInstructional TechnologyFaculty, Staff, Students
FreeFlyerLinux, WindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
GCCLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Heat ExchangerWindowsScientificFaculty, Staff, Students
InsightMac, WindowsWorkstation ManagementDepartments
JabberAndroid, iOS, Mac, WindowsProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Staff
JMPMac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalDepartments, Faculty, Students
JUnitLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
KeeperAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebSecurityFaculty, Staff, Students
LabVIEWLinux, Mac, WindowsScientificDepartments, Faculty
LabVIEW for StudentsLinux, WindowsScientificStudents
LabVIEW MathScript ModuleWindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Staff, Students
LumionWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
Malwarebytes PremiumMac, WindowsSecurityDepartments
MathematicaLinux, Mac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Staff, Students
MATLABLinux, Mac, WindowsCAD
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty, Staff, Students
Microsoft 365 EducationAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Staff, Students
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for TeachingWindowsDesign and DevelopmentDepartments, Faculty, Students
Microsoft EditorMac, Windows, WebProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Staff, Students
Microsoft OneDriveAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebContent Sharing
Productivity and Business
Faculty, Staff, Students
Microsoft Power BIWebProductivity and BusinessDepartments, Faculty, Staff
Microsoft TeamsAndroid, iOS, Mac, Windows, WebConferencing Tools
Content Sharing
Productivity and Business
Faculty, Staff, Students
MinitabMac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Students
Mnova NMR LiteLinux, Mac, WindowsScientificDepartments, Faculty, Staff, Students
MongoDBLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
MPLAB X IDELinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
NastranLinux, WindowsScientificFaculty, Staff, Students
Navisworks ManageWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
NVivoMac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Staff, Students
Oracle Database ManagementLinux, Windows, SolarisDatabaseDepartments, Faculty, Staff
Oracle SQL ClientLinux, Mac, WindowsDatabase
Design and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
OrCAD Capture CIS LiteWindowsDatabase
Faculty, Staff, Students
Statistical and Mathematical
Departments, Faculty, Staff, Students
PanoptoMac, Windows, WebInstructional TechnologyDepartments, Faculty, Staff, Students
Pathway ToolsWindowsScientificDepartments, Faculty, Staff, Students
PantranLinux, WindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
PCB ArtistWindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
Point SolutionsMac, Windows, WebInstructional Technology
Survey Tools
Departments, Faculty, Staff
PolyMathWindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Staff, Students
PuttyLinux, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
QualtricsWebSurvey ToolsFaculty, Staff, Students
Quartus Prime LiteLinux, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
RefWorksWebCitation ManagersFaculty, Staff, Students
Respondus Campus-WideWindowsInstructional TechnologyDepartments, Faculty, Staff
Respondus LockDown BrowserMac, Windows, WebInstructional TechnologyDepartments, Faculty, Staff, Students
RevitWindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
RISAWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
SAS 9.4Linux, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalDepartments, Faculty, Students
SolidWorksWindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
SpirionMac, WindowsSecurityFaculty, Staff
SPSSMac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalDepartments, Faculty, Students
SPSS Statistics Faculty PackLinux, Mac, WindowsStatistical and MathematicalDepartments, Faculty
STKWindowsStatistical and MathematicalFaculty, Staff, Students
TableauMac, WindowsProductivity and BusinessFaculty, Students
TecplotLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and Development
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty, Staff, Students
Thermo-CalcLinux, Mac, WindowsScientificFaculty, Staff, Students
TurnitinMac, Windows, WebInstructional TechnologyDepartments, Faculty, Staff
Visual Studio CodeLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Staff, Students
VMware Academic ProgramLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and DevelopmentFaculty, Students
Windows 10 and 11 EducationMac, WindowsProductivity and BusinessStudents
WiresharkLinux, Mac, WindowsDesign and Development
Faculty, Staff, Students
Zoom Video ConferencingAndroid, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, WebConferencing Tools
Productivity and Business
Departments, Faculty, Staff, Students
ZoomTextWindowsAccessibility ToolsDepartments, Faculty, Staff