
The University of Alabama makes a number of software programs available at no cost for students, faculty, staff, and UA departments. The Office of Information Technology is the central location to acquire and learn more about this software.

As we embrace AI technologies, the Office of Information Technology is developing guidance and processes to ensure safe and ethical use. Follow this link to review UA's approved AI list.

If departments are considering acquiring software, they are required to consult the Compliance Contract Review Portal to gain insights into the necessary requirements for all contracts associated with the procurement of software or IT products.

Check out our software catalog to explore different software packages offered by OIT. Please note that each software agreement contains its own terms and conditions. Many software packages are available for use on both personal and University-owned computers; however, only University computers should be used for University business. Generally, use of campus-wide software is limited to University business, academic, or research related purposes.

Additional Information

Software Platforms Categories Eligibility
Abaqus Linux PC Scientific Faculty Staff Students
Accessibility Management Platform Web Accessibility Tools Faculty Staff Students
Adobe Acrobat Android iOS Mac PC Productivity and Business Faculty Staff
Adobe Creative Cloud Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Alertus Desktop Notification Mac PC Workstation Management Departments Faculty Staff
Ansys Linux PC Scientific Faculty Students
Ant Linux Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
Applications Manager PC Productivity and Business Staff
ArcGIS Pro PC GIS Faculty Staff Students
AutoCAD Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff
AutoCAD Architecture PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Autodesk Suite Mac PC CAD
Design and Development
Departments Faculty Staff Students
Blackboard Learn Android iOS Mac PC Web Instructional Technology Departments Faculty Staff
Box Android iOS Mac PC Web Content Sharing Faculty Staff Students
C++ Compiler Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Faculty Staff Students
ChemDraw Professional Mac PC Scientific Faculty Staff Students
Cisco AnyConnect Android iOS Linux Mac PC Productivity and Business
Faculty Staff
Civil 3D PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Comsol Mac PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff
Cygwin PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Deep Freeze Linux Mac PC Workstation Management Departments
DocuSign Web Productivity and Business Faculty Staff
Duo Two-Factor Authentication Android iOS Linux Mac PC Web Security Faculty Staff Students
Eclipse Linux Mac PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
EES PC Scientific
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty Students
EndNote Mac PC Web Citation Managers Faculty Staff Students
Filezilla Linux Mac PC Database
Productivity and Business
Faculty Staff Students
Flip Android iOS Mac PC Web Instructional Technology Faculty Staff Students
FreeFlyer Linux PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
GCC Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Heat Exchanger PC Scientific Faculty Staff Students
Insight Mac PC Workstation Management Departments
Jabber Android iOS Mac PC Productivity and Business Faculty Staff
JMP Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Departments Faculty Students
JUnit Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Keeper Android iOS Mac PC Web Security Faculty Staff Students
LabVIEW Linux Mac PC Scientific Departments Faculty
LabVIEW for Students Linux PC Scientific Students
LabVIEW MathScript Module PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Staff Students
Lumion PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Malwarebytes Premium Mac PC Security Departments
Mathematica Linux Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Staff Students
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty Staff Students
Microsoft 365 Education Android iOS Mac PC Web Productivity and Business Faculty Staff Students
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools for Teaching PC Design and Development Departments Faculty Students
Microsoft Editor Mac PC Web Productivity and Business Faculty Staff Students
Microsoft OneDrive Android iOS Mac PC Web Content Sharing
Productivity and Business
Faculty Staff Students
Microsoft Power BI Web Productivity and Business Departments Faculty Staff
Microsoft Teams Android iOS Mac PC Web Conferencing Tools
Content Sharing
Productivity and Business
Faculty Staff Students
Minitab Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Students
Mnova NMR Lite Linux Mac PC Scientific Departments Faculty Staff Students
MongoDB Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
MPLAB X IDE Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Nastran Linux PC Scientific Faculty Staff Students
Navisworks Manage PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
NVivo Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Staff Students
Oracle Database Management Linux PC Solaris Database Departments Faculty Staff
Oracle SQL Client Linux Mac PC Database
Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
OrCAD Capture CIS Lite PC Database
Faculty Staff Students
Origin PC Scientific
Statistical and Mathematical
Departments Faculty Staff Students
Panopto Mac PC Web Instructional Technology Departments Faculty Staff Students
Pathway Tools PC Scientific Departments Faculty Staff Students
Patran Linux PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
PCB Artist PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
Point Solutions Mac PC Web Instructional Technology
Survey Tools
Departments Faculty Staff
PolyMath PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Staff Students
Putty Linux PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Qualtrics Web Survey Tools Faculty Staff Students
Quartus Prime Lite Linux PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
RefWorks Web Citation Managers Faculty Staff Students
Respondus Campus-Wide PC Instructional Technology Departments Faculty Staff
Respondus LockDown Browser Mac PC Web Instructional Technology Departments Faculty Staff Students
Revit PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
RISA PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
SAS 9.4 Linux PC Statistical and Mathematical Departments Faculty Students
SolidWorks PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
Spirion Mac PC Security Faculty Staff
SPSS Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Departments Faculty Students
SPSS Statistics Faculty Pack Linux Mac PC Statistical and Mathematical Departments Faculty
STK PC Statistical and Mathematical Faculty Staff Students
Tableau Mac PC Productivity and Business Faculty Students
Tecplot Linux Mac PC Design and Development
Statistical and Mathematical
Faculty Staff Students
Thermo-Calc Linux Mac PC Scientific Faculty Staff Students
Turnitin Mac PC Web Instructional Technology Departments Faculty Staff
Visual Studio Code Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Staff Students
VMware Academic Program Linux Mac PC Design and Development Faculty Students
Windows 10 and 11 Education Mac PC Productivity and Business Students
Wireshark Linux Mac PC Design and Development
Faculty Staff Students
Zoom Video Conferencing Android iOS Linux Mac PC Web Conferencing Tools
Productivity and Business
Departments Faculty Staff Students
ZoomText PC Accessibility Tools Departments Faculty Staff

Other Software

I'm interested in software, but I don't see it in the Software Catalog. What should I do?

Students may purchase academic versions of many products through the University Supply Store or at the manufacturer's website, and students may also check with their academic department to see if they have additional software available.

Please check with your academic or administrative department to determine if there is additional software available to you. Any software not listed in the Software Catalog or not available to you otherwise must be purchased in accordance with UA Purchasing Guidelines. Software providers often times require a licensing agreement to use the associated software. All agreements should be submitted to Contract Management for appropriate review and authorized signature per Contract Guidelines and Contract Submittal. If you are pursuing a new software as a service implementation, please submit a Project Request Form early in the process to seek project management and implementation assistance.

Departments interested in new campus-wide or larger volume licensing agreements should contact the IT Service Desk to express interest. OIT will work with campus units to evaluate and pursue these agreements.