SAS Administrative Licensing

The SAS Education Analytic Suite (Software) for administrative use is available under a Master License Agreement (MLA) entered into by and between SAS Institute Inc. (SAS) and The University of Alabama (UA). Certain terms and conditions pertaining to use of Software are summarized below.

Licenses are issued on an annual basis and a new SAS installation data (SID) file is required to be installed each year. The license period runs from January 15 through January 14.  Annual licenses are based on the actual price of UA’s annual agreement; therefore, the annual per user license fee charged to academic and administrative UA departments is subject to escalation. The SID file will be provided upon receipt of the annual license fee(s) from each participating department. Administrative licenses may be used by UA’s administrative personnel for activities associated with UA’s operations. Software may not be used for personal, commercial, or profit-making purposes.

Please note that the site license software and SID files available on UA’s SAS Download Site are Teaching & Research licenses. These licenses may not be used for administrative purposes.

Software is licensed per occurrence or installation (i.e. a separate license is required for each PC or CPU on which the Software will be used) on an annual basis. Distributing Software from media obtained through OIT to other PCs or CPUs without permission from OIT is strictly prohibited. SAS requires UA to keep current and complete records of each licensed user and must provide this information to SAS upon request. Each license must be properly requested through OIT. OIT will maintain the appropriate records to ensure compliance with the MLA.

Users may not reverse engineer, reverse assemble, or decompile Software or in any way attempt to recreate the Source Code, except and only to the extent applicable laws specifically prohibit such restriction.

For additional information concerning the terms and conditions of use of Software, please contact the IT Service Desk.

Users wanting to license a personal computer for University-related business must sign a Home Use Agreement. Contact the IT Service Desk to obtain home use licenses.